Salesforce, a US-based acclaimed Customer Relationship Management software company is looking to grow big in Coimbatore, by offering companies here its digital tools (A.I., Data,CRM) to improve their relationship with customers and transform their businesses.


Kamal Kanth, AVP-Sales of Salesforce India, addressed a press conference on Monday to introduce the company and its offerings. 


Putting it in one sentence, Kamal Kanth said Salesforce is a CRM solutions provider and it is also a customer engagement platform. 


Throwing more light on it, he shared that Salesforce can augment a company's ability using digital technologies and assist them to learn more about the requirements of its target audiences and how could their needs be fulfilled by the company. 


This insight is valuable to not just acquire a new customer and sell them a product but to offer them quality after-sales services, turn them as a recurring customer and eventually build a strong business relationship.


Salesforce entered India in 2005 and has a strong presence in different parts of the country. According to Mr.Kanth, one of the early welcomers of Salesforce in Coimbatore was the well-known conglomerate Sakthi Group. Today, Coimbatore is among the top 5 emerging markets for Salesforce in India. 


Today any company, regardless of their size of investment or labour, that is aspiring to engage with new businesses, needs to have a data-driven approach to present themselves better, know what the requirements of the customer is in order to serve them better and derive growth in return. Salesforce can provide that and more to its customers.