In view of heavy rains forecast for Nilgiris District, the Mettupalayam - Udagamandalam - Mettupalayam trains will remain cancelled tomorrow (07.11.2023)
Train No.06136 Mettupalayam - Udagamandalam train, scheduled to leave Mettupalayam at 07.10 hrs and Train No.06137 Udagamandalam - Mettupalayam train, scheduled to leave Udagamandalam at 14.00 hrs, will remain cancelled tomorrow.
However, train services between Coonoor - Udagamandalam will continue to be operated. Passengers of the cancelled train services will be given full refund of the ticket fare.
Railway Update: Mettupalayam to Ooty train to remain cancelled on Nov 7th!
- by David
- Nov 06,2023