Four Square Medical Centre & Hospital inaugurated in Ram Nagar
- by David
- Aug 21,2022
Four Square Medical Centre & Hospital, a unit of Abirami Kidney Care was launched in Ram Nagar, Coimbatore on Sunday.
Dr.G.Bakthavathsalam, Chairman, KG Hospital did the launch and congratulated Dr.T.Saravanan, Nephrologist and MD of the hospital for coming to Coimbatore to treat people from all walks of life who need diabetes care. He said that he was very impressed with the hospital.
Four Square includes Kidney, Diabetes and ICU care with advanced medical equipment and in-built pharmacy. The Group has 30 years of experience in the field of health care.
Speaking at the launch, Dr. Bakthavathsalam said "India has 20 crore people with diabetes. People should know that all diabetics have the chance to get kidney failure, so it should be properly found at an early stage, and for that, we need good diabetologists. When the issue in kidneys are found and treated earlier, there would not be much need for kidney transplantations"
Dr.T.Saravanan said people with kidney issues have an unnecessary fear of kidney transplantation and dialysis. He stressed that with the advancements in today's health care system, modern medicines and treatments can save their lives. So people have to keep their fears aside and take quality treatment.
Kidney transplantation is a lifesaver for patients with kidney failure. They need not be dependent on dialysis always when they undergo kidney transplantation, but this should be done at the initial stage of kidney failure.
The State Government has included Kidney Transplantation and medicines post the procedure under the Chief Minister's Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme, Dr.T.Saravan said.