Across the world, Fate is considered something that cannot be changed, but there are a few who differ from this idea.

We know Dr. C. Palanivelu, Founder of GEM Hospital, to be a well-learned scholar, a successful and internationally renowned laparoscopic surgeon, and a recipient of several prestigious awards.

By all counts, he is considered a Legend of Laparoscopy. But in his relentless pursuit of destiny, he confronted an array of formidable challenges and adversities that not all of us know.

Abject poverty and drought in Palanivelu’s village, Avarankattu Pudur forced his family to migrate to Malaysia in the early 1950s via ship in search of livelihood. Growing up in Malaysia since his early childhood, he spent one of the beautiful parts of his life in an alien land without colors. He yearned to return to his motherland, and continue his academic pursuits here.

He left no stone unturned in his effort to return to India. The boy even worked as a day labour in shops in Malaysia to save some money. He eventually returned to India with only the desire to live in his motherland and learn further.

When he thought his dreams will come true in India, they were again crushed by tragedies and hardships. But his belief in himself and in Destiny made him rewrite his fate. Here is a tale of a man who had Nothing in hand but sheer Guts. Knowing about it could give priceless life-lessons to all of us.

“Why” and “How” he bore all that to become an acclaimed surgeon, and why he made every decision in his life around a Noble Idea, is a timeless tale of inspiration for people of all ages and walks of life.

“Palanivelu, I want you to write an autobiography. Your story is fascinating. Do write about your life… it would inspire younger generations.” This was what the late great hero of India’s youth, former President of India, APJ Abdul Kalam, said to Dr. C. Palanivelu after hearing his story in 2006 at Rashtrapati Bhavan.

After years of labour, Dr. C. Palanivelu successfully penned his autobiography, that is aptly titled GUTS. It was released on Saturday by N.Chandrasekaran, Chairman of the TATA Sons.

He also unveiled the celebratory cover of the autobiography along with the Guest of Honor, Minister for School Education, Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi in the presence of P.Vayapuri, Headmaster (Retd.), Nallur Govt School, Nammakal District; D. R. Karthikeyan, Former Director of CBI – New Delhi, Dr. P. Praveen Raj, CEO of Gem Hospital, and a large number of distinguished guests.

At the event, Dr.Palanivelu also honoured his school teacher, P.Vayapuri.

Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi offered felicitation. He said that he came to know through the autobiography that teachers are the ones who had played a crucial role in sculpting Dr.C.Palanivelu's life.
"You (Dr.Palanivelu) have been an excellent human being because you were able to make yourself a responsible student," he said.

N.Chandrasekaran, Chairman of the TATA Sons while delivering his chief guest address said " I read the book. It is absolutely fascinating for someone from such a background to be able to rise to the level he (Dr.Palanivelu) has raised.

He opined that after reading the autobiography of Dr.C.Palanivelu, he thinks that the doctor exemplifies 4 qualities that signify people who achieve great things in life; Purpose, Courage, Persistence and Compassion.

Speaking at the event, Dr.Palanivelu said that the thought to write an autobiography took a firm root in his heart after he leaned that a small part of his life that was published in a medical magazine actually inspired a few youngsters. That, and the direction of Dr.Kalam to pen his life's story made him write this book eventually.

"I had Guts in life because I had Nothing in hand since my childhood; no background, no resources, just nothing," he said. Dr.Palanivelu expressed his gratitude to his teachers who helped him elevate to this level and he thanked the people of Coimbatore who trusted in his medical work, especially in the field of Laparoscopy.

The event also saw the presence of Tamil Nadu Ministers Swaminathan, Sakkarapani, Former Ministers SP Velumani, Thangamani, Sengotaiyan, ‘the Moon Man of India’, Mayilsamy Annadurai; leaders of various political parties such as Seeman, Anbumani Ramadoss, Annamalai and various eminent citizens of Coimbatore.