AITUC on Sunday urged Tamil Nadu government to adopt a resolution in the Assembly seeking the withdrawal of the proposed amended 4 labour laws by the Centre, which it claimed were against the labourers.


The resolution was adopted at the 16th Conference of District AITUC Council, held here.


The council also demanded the State government for withdrawal of the increased property tax, power tariff, which have become an additional burden for already suffering common man due to increased prices of essential commodities and inflation.


Other resolution include increase the EPS Pension to Rs.6,000 per month, simplification in the registration process in welfare boards, protect the MSMEs to save the workers and ESI benefits to unorganised workers.


The conference elected M Arumugham as AITUC Disrict President,.C Thangavel as general secretary and P Subramaniam as treasurer with 15-member executive committe and 45-member District Council.