85% of the Avinashi Road Flyover project is now over according to a report citing the Highways Department.

This four-lane flyover built at a cost of Rs. 1621.30 crore starts from the Uppilipalayam Road signal and ends at Goldwins near the KMCH Institute of Health Sciences and Research.

The NH wing of the State Highways Department is working on this 10.1 km flyover project. According to reports, the deck slabs have been fixed in almost all places except at Nava India Junction and Hopes College areas. Once the pillar installation works are completed here, the deck slabs will be placed. The officials plan to complete the main carriageway in March 2025.

Since a rail-over bridge is already present near Hopes College, the officials are linking the gap between the flyover portion of this area and the other side via composite girders. These works are underway.

The construction of main ramp at Uppilipalayam is over. The one at Goldwins has reached final stages. The down-ramp close to SITRA and near to Hopes are over while the ramps near Anna Silai, Nava India are underway. The officials hope to finish all ramp works by June 2025.