A child that is 12 months old should give a response when its name is called. It should give a social smile or some reply. If it fails to do that at multiple times, it may be a red sign for some mind-related issues and as a parent you must seek medical intervention at the earliest.

If a child does not mingle with other kids and prefers isolation, it should not be taken lightly. Experts say that 1 in 68 children in India have some kind of mild intellectual disabilities and learning difficulties.

Most of the times, parents figure that their child has such issues through comparisons with other children in their family or through teachers in school who point out that the child has some cognitive issues like lack of attention and inability to express thoughts coherently like kids of the same age could do.

If the identification of these issues in the child happens at an early stage, say before the age of 3 and the child is given a 360 ° care, then it can be in schools, enjoy sports, pursue higher education, become a good professional and lead a happy life like others.

Hence, in order to support children with mild intellectual and learning disabilities, Sri Ramakrishna Hospital Health Basix has launched a state-of-the-art Early Intervention and Child Development Center inside Sri Ramakrishna CBSE School in Avarampalayam.

Equipped with the latest technologies and trainers, this facility is designed to ensure that such children receive the specialized care and attention they need for holistic development. It was inaugurated by Padma Shri awardee, Dr.R.V.Ramani, the Founder of Sankara Eye Foundation in the presence of Swathy Rohit, CEO, Health Basix, and R.Sundar, Joint Managing Trustee, SNR Sons Charitable Trust.

“This might look like a small center but it is a large step for the city,” Swathy Rohit said during the press conference held post launch.

Inspired by the Center for Babies and Children with Eye-developmental issues, set up by Dr.R.V.Ramani, Swathy Rohit and team dived in to see what Coimbatore is doing for its children with intellectual disabilities. They found that an inclusive and holistic approach to address these issues and render care is missing, and that led to the genesis of this center.

“Our goal is that every child in Coimbatore, irrespective of their disabilities should be able to be in school with other children, grow and be a contributing member to our society,” she said.

This center will aim to modify the behavior of such children, make them speak with clarity and also improve their mobility functions. It can provide individualized assessment and planning, therapeutic services, educational support via specialized educators and inclusive play and social activities. It is equipped to take in 45 students as of now. The classes will be held for 5 days/week.